How to announce you eloped

If you’re eloping, congrats on making the decision to do what you both want for yourselves in your wedding. We know we’re bias, but eloping is awesome, special, next level, memorable, romantic and a lot more. So many of our couples ask us for ideas on how to announce their elopement to family and friends. So here is a list of fun ideas we have seen before, and some extra ones we think would be awesome too.

Elope now, party later

Set up an ‘engagement party’ with all your fave people, either pop your outfits back on again and ‘turn up late’ or, dress like it’s your engagement and halfway through the night as you go to do a speech play the film or slideshow of photos from your day, watch the happy tears flow. You could also go get dressed into your elopement outfits halfway through the night as well. So many ideas!

The social media blast

If you’re not keen on the announcement party we recommend telling your closest people first then to let the wider group know jump on social media with a shared post with photos and videos of your day. You don’t even need to say much, some couple choose to just write Mr/Mrs and Mrs/Mr Smith, 22.2.22 (or nothing at all) and let the photos/video do the work.

Good old snail mail

How romantic and old school, (and fabulous). Why not create some gorgeous announcement cards with a pic and send them in the mail. The only con for this plan is some people will get the announcement sooner than others, maybe pop a note on them about that so people keep it to themselves for a few days after they receive the news. People love something tactile, they will then have a photo of yours to keep or frame. Don’t forget to add a personal note with your announcement card.

Phone Rounds at your elopement

Call your closest family/friends from your elopement location with a Facetime after you’re hitched. We recommend this one if you’re 100% sure your people will take the news well, otherwise you don’t want to ruin this amazing night with worry of upsetting a person that thinks they should have been present.

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The dinner party

Ohhhhh we LOVE this one. Invite your closest peeps to your place for a fancy dinner party. Prior to the night, have photos printed and framed and pop them around the house. People arrive and wait for the first person to notice the pics and discover the secret. Pop the champers and party the rest of the night away!

Zoom Party

In case 2020 and 2021 didn’t totally buzz kill the idea of a Zoom for you, you could dress up in your outfits and invite everyone in to a zoom party, great idea for overseas or interstate family and friends. Keep your camera off until all your ‘guests’ are all online/present and bam, turn camera on and the announcement is made! You can then watch a slideshow or your video together with the Zoom party.

Announce it when the family are already together

What better time to announce happy news than a family celebration day like Christmas, when everyone is usually together in one place with a champers in hand. One way to make a festive time even more festive. Cheers!

Tell them when you’re ready

Some couples decide to wait until their 1st anniversary to tell their people, we love this but it would take a lot of patience and hiding a wedding band if you have them too! Whether you choose to wait a year or not waiting until your ready is the main thing.

Like all things… go with your gut

Like all things, going with what you both want and what your gut tells you in how to announce your elopement is the most important thing. If you want to keep it super casual, go for it, no grand announcements are required if thats what you both want.

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We hope that helped with some fun ideas for announcing your elopement.

Got more questions? Please feel free to reach out. We’re elopement and micro wedding specialists that have created over 400 intimate weddings across Australia in the past 6 years. We’d love to provide plenty of info (and inspo) about being married this way (and some amazing places you can do it). Touch base here